We believe that all businesses that produce an item should be responsible for that item through all phases of its life.
We aim to be 100% responsible and accountable for what we produce for its entire life cycle — from conception, production, wear and then end of life. Total textile waste saved from landfill: over 4 tonnes.
Our goal is to ensure no Kuwaii textile products (including wastage from the production process nor the garment themselves) ever hit landfill.
On average, Australians purchase 27kg of new textiles each year and then discard 23kg into landfill—leading to 501,000 tonnes of materials dumped into landfill annually. This current linear ‘take, make and dispose’ system encourages overconsumption and puts a huge strain on our planet. At this accelerated pace, Australians are on track to produce enough textile waste to cover the whole surface of the country by 2030.